The Last Gaze

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Size: 24 x 48 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Last Gaze is a beautiful painting which reflects the different emotions of a girl. The layers after layers, and the various shades profoundly elaborates her ‘persona’ in front of the society. Though it is true that the inner feelings and desires are curtailed by the norms and rules of the community where we are living, but somewhere an escape makes us realize our real potential.

The soothing colors of the this artworks represent the desires of the girl. She is having conversation with a beautiful soul, who has come in form of a peacock. It is an eternal union of two universes. One, which is societal and another, which is symbolic for freedom.

The peacock has come from the heavenly mountains. He has beautiful feathers and elegant presence, which is blessing for the girl. He has come to give a message from heaven to that girl. A message of good luck and charm, which makes her realize her real motivation to live a life which is full of joy and happiness.

The unification of the beautiful girl and the adorable peacock is divine and ecstatic on one hand and euphoric on the other hand.

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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