Buddha paintings-The inner peace

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This is a modern style Buddha paintings-The inner peace which is made with organic acrylic colors on a canvas sheet. The main idea behind this painting is extracted form the core teachings of Mahatma Buddha. This type of spiritual painting is best for bringing positive energy and good fortune to you and your family. This is one of the best paintings for living room and hotel reception area.

The epitome of living a contended life lies in the inner peace and satisfaction of our soul. The manifestation of the positive thoughts is the key behind every successful dream. The turbulent times cease to exist whenever there is patience and determination to upturn them. And the company of such powerful ideology and teachings of Buddha always help you to lead a prosperous life. Furthermore, Buddha had various pilgrimages in his life and he always tried to enlighten the minds of the people who he encountered in his way.

Moreover, the journey of life is endless and beyond our imagination. We are just puppets at the hands of His ultimate will who are trying to fulfill their roles. To live a contended life, one has to submit to the flow of nature. We can live a stress free life only if we understand and act upon the teachings of Gautam Buddha. The rainbow that will bloom in our life by doing this will never diminish.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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