Flowers of Sofia valley

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

I have been to the most places of this world. I have seen the wonders of the this nature but nothing can captivate my wits as The Flowers of Sofia Valley do. This place has something, that is detached from the phantom world. It castes the spell on my spirit that I feel like my body was deprived of the soul for so long. But here my body and my soul reunite once again. I would consider myself fortunate enough to witness such a bewitching beauty of the nature.

The Flowers of the Sofia Valley has a purity and innocence in their appearance. Which they spread in the surrounding through their sweet fragrance. These flowers add various colors to the nature. But for me they do something more than that. Being so soft and delicate, they thrive even after being surrounded by the thorns. They spread their aroma which crosses all the limits which the mankind has appointed. The tiny little creations of nature bloom and get to their ambitions. They apprise me to arise above all the oppression and outshine. Now my soul is vividly stained in the memories of the Valley. 

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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