Silent Night

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Night, it is that part of a day when nature rests. When all the creatures go to sleep, leaving behind all the chores. The sun starts descending in the west. Whereas, the white clouds start getting painted in orange, then in lavender. And the dusk gives me the most needed relief. Finally, I can take a break from the hectic schedules. The birds begin going towards their shelters. Eventually, the curtains of the day closes and it gets really dark. The moon reflects brightly, accompanying the other stars in the sky. They twinkle with the different color like the diamonds. The moon peeks in between from the curtains of the clouds in the Silent Night.

The night has a deep silence. A perfect time to spend with yourself. We leave all our stress and lose ourselves in the maize of thoughts. There is a silence all around but still the commotion of thoughts is quite loud in the mind. We escape from one and get en-captured in another one, the never ending quest. Sitting in a garden, the moon and I look at each other. The stars accompany the moon up above and here I am accompanied by the noise of cicadas and crickets. One of the Silent Night like that I vividly remember, which inspired me to paint that moment on the canvas.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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