Girl with a Pearl Earring

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Girl with a Pearl Earring

This painting is an acrylic painting. The inspiration of this painting came from the work of Johannes Vermeer who has regarded this painting as tribute to the Beauty of Earring.

It represents a young woman in a dark shallow space. An intimate setting that draws the viewer’s attention exclusively on her. She wears a blue and gold turban, the titular pearl earring and a gold jacket with a visible white collar beneath.

I believe, she is concentrating on her daily chores and unaware of her viewer. Instead, caught in a fleeting moment, she turns her head over her shoulder, meeting the gaze with her eyes wide and lips parted as if about to speak. It is one of the most iconic paintings of all time that I have ever made. Her beauty and her smile is magical like the beauty of daffodils.

Girl with a Pearl Earring painting is a recreated painting from the World Famous painting. The artist has given this painting a magical touch and finish. Moreover, he has tried to make it in his own way without distorting the originality. Because that is what this painting is all about. If you want to make your place look exorbitant, then this is it. It is one of the luxurious paintings in the world of art.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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