Beautiful Peacock Painting

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This ‘Beautiful Peacock Painting’ is a symbol of love and freedom. This mesmerizing painting tells that how much a peacock loves the nature. And dances under the open blue sky freely, spreading his feather. He just admires the charms of the mother nature and fills the surroundings with many more colors. The nature dances along with the movements of peacock’s feathers. By contemplating each other’s beauty, they add new meaning to the life. They teach mankind something, that only nature could do.

When one glances at the peacock, he observes that there are two ways of ponder over life which makes it easy for us to be what we really are,working on ourselves. Just like the peacock appears in the several shades, our life also gives us various ways to live. One is when Love is in the air and you can feel the vibe, and the mind is telling you to dance to it.

The other one is when we get to know from others. They tell you and then you start imbibing it and start asking yourself. The part of your life which becomes the real gesture afterwards is Love. The whole process and the way it comes in your life is the best feeling in the world and that is the thrill of life because it shall remain forever…  dancing altogether.

Beautiful Peacock Painting

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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