The Endless Song Of Life

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘The Endless Song Of Life’ is worldwide Famous painting made from oil colors.  This painting is tribute to the unsung songs of life which remain endless and are eternal forever.

The rhythms of life are unpredictable. A beautiful song has all the flavors of song patterns. The low keys, the high keys. If the low keys are sorrows then the high are the happiness. Just like when we listen to the music, the high keys hits us different after the slow music. Just like that the happiness multiplies when we know the taste of sadness. We should live the happy moments to the fullest but we should be patient in our difficult times. God always has better plans for us than we thought.

The Endless Song Of Life is best suited for the living rooms as well as hallways. As this painting has shown the brighter side of the life, so it can attract happiness all around. This painting has lighter shades which clearly depicts the calmness. It portrays that the songs of the life that God has written for us are endless. We should appreciate each and every moment of the life to the fullest.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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