The Crystal Affair

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

I don’t know where this path will lead to. I am just bound to you my dear naïve hope to help me reach to my goal. Sun is worrying about us as the night is about to get intense and yet the destination is nowhere to be seen. Don’t think I am just roaming aimlessly because I am on a voyage to achieve my aim. However, the question here is this, which door should I open and which I should not. Where should I knock and whom should I call as I don’t recognize any face here. The crystal affair between us is what seems real.

They even make a fool out of the mirror who just reflect their masked selves which is far from the actual reality. Moreover, nobody opens their heart to gypsies or trusts them. However, everybody makes me one of them, why people tag you with whatever they want is unknown to me.

Wake up from this daydream and see the reality around you. I wish you become serious about our visions and future goals. Moreover, I don’t know how you get such false bravery to laugh at our desires. Remember that we are bounded to each other, you are precious to me and I know you are very delicate and I must handle you with care. So, I don’t care whether there will be any benefit or repercussions in the end but I believe that we will reach to our destination together.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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