The sweet slumber

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Size: 18 x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The sweet slumber is one of the most fascinating artwork of Post modern era. Celebrating the well being of emotions and terming them as being surviving entities, is the real Idea behind the painting. No doubt, one always finds himself and herself enslaved by the emotions but this phenomenon turns upside down, when it comes to the feeling of kindness

Moreover, it is true that we all need a time which we can call ‘Me Time’, where we can dance and sing all along the shades of different emotions that resides within us. And yes, this happens with everyone. That ‘everyone’ who is somewhere rational and behaves modestly when it comes to defining perspectives.

Believe me, this happens due to stratification. Not only in the society where we live, rather in the vault of emotions as well. But somewhere we all search for freedom. Which not only costs humongous, but it vivifies the attributions of emotions like love, sadness and benevolence.

For that matter, The sweet slumber is a signature of the kindest of the colors and the sweetest of the emotions which unite together to form universe.

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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