The Girl with Beautiful Flowers

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘The Girl with Beautiful Flowers’ is Original Handmade painting made from acrylic colors. Moreover, it is a live painting which I did at Paris. Also, the colors of this painting are naturally pigmented.

The sun is bright and sweet breeze in blowing in the town today. The flowers are singing and the trees are dancing on their rhythms. She is on her way to meet the love of her life with bouquet of flowers. It seems like the whole universe is happy today. She is swinging and swirling on her to him. Nothing feels awkward today, as the day is dedicated for her happiness and beauty only. She looks ten times more beautiful when she smiles. When she does care about the world. When its just her and her world.

The Girl with Beautiful Flowers is a women painting with flowers. As this panting has a calm vibe with the hint of nature so this can be an excellent choice for homes as well as restaurants and hotels. This painting can showcase a very serene scene of one of the streets in Paris. Moreover, the colors portrays the innocence as well. If you like painting, then we have more painting of your interest on our websites. You can get it for no cost shipping from any corner of the world.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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