Over The Tangled Desires-Healing Art reveals the notion of secret and impossible to understand sentiments. This painting is full of positive colors.
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This artwork ‘Over The Tangled Desires-Healing Art’ throws light on the complicated wants of a lady that many times are not explicit to this selfish society. This Painting is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and it reflects the enlistment of the proponents which make a life a beautiful heaven.

This Painting is made of soothing Acrylic colors and the dimensions are 18 inches x 18 inches.

I remember the days of love and the days of betrayal
First hour, The happiness of cuddling with desires,
The charm of Tangled with the emotions….
Summer and night, all that is killing me, and is seeking the sun,

For all that matters is the kindness and the hate of your heart
So was it blissful, or was it kind, all that matters is your ‘yes’
All that matter is your ‘No’, but as far as we are concerned,
And shall we blossom, like colors of nature and the flowers….

Believe me, trust me, I am all into you, oh my tangled desires,
But for that matter is the beloved’s charm which I seek,
Which I love and which I hate, but please, be kind
Because for all that matter is you and only your Tangled Desires….

Over The Tangled Desires-Healing Art

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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