THE SENSE OF RHYTHM- Inspirational art

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THE SENSE OF RHYTHM- Inspirational art

Size: 25 x 44 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

THE SENSE OF RHYTHM- Inspirational art is based upon the theme of beam bridge and moon. It’s symbolizes the connectivity and union of two different places. moreover, it represents the support system of any structure and regular pattern, progressive rhythm.

It is the repetitive, frequent, vibratory pattern of the bridge. Furthermore, It shows the emotions, different sensitivity through the pattern of sound or movement.

They don’t deserve your empathy…
Let their scars remind them,
of their horrendous & ruthless acts…
And the realisation of it will be too late,

for any of them to re-amend what’s lost…
Like always regret will accompany them forever.
Once again her hope is dying,
will there ever be a better tomorrow…

Her sacrifices her true worth,
is anyone capable of seeing it…
Or she has to born again with a different face,
In a different place, but with the same doom fate…

And the world will once again break her,
hence the cycle will keep on repeating itself…
When is revolution gonna occur,

Ever or never.

The artist has used the graphite lead pencils and acrylic colors, breaking into different sizes and arranging into different pattern which shows the repetition of bar and also represent the sense of rhythm and movement.

Artist Gurdish Pannu

More Paintings by Gurdish Pannu

Canvas Print Available @ 199!!
Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!