Lovely White Flowers

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Lovely White Flowers’ is an original handmade painting made from Acrylic colors. This painting is regarded asVastu Shastra Painting‘.

The season of happiness has arrived. Everyone is celebrating their happiness and reveal it in their own way. The sky is reflecting the light brightly. The clouds are white and clear. The trees are spreading joy by expanding their arms. The winds are a little warm and slow now. Along with the sun rays the winds accompany you where ever you may go. They will never let you to be alone, to feel alone.

The flowers bloom and wave to juvenility. I know them all and they know me too. They ask me about my days and ask me about me about my sleepless nights. They are my only friends with whom I can talk and meet my true self. There are many others with whom I can laugh and smile. But when I need someone who can see my tears, I turn to flowers. But the irony is this, that whenever I am with them I forget my sorrowfulness. And eventually I laugh again and I smile again. But this time my heart smiles with me.

These kinds of paintings are best for bedrooms, living room and offices as well. The “Lovely White Flowers” painting can bring good luck at your place and give a relaxing vibe. It is included in the best wall paintings for lobby.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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