The lovely autumn-Art for seasons

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The lovely autumn-Art for seasons artwork describes the life of a tree. These types of paintings are best for the bedroom, living room as well as for offices. This painting is made up from natural acrylic colors.

Seasons change as the time passes. It is the ever going affair that nature holds. The sky changes it’s color as it turns hazy from clear and bright. The clouds come and commence the new season. The color of the leaves changes as they turn yellow from green and then from red to brown. The winds start becoming more colder and colder. They even hit with a gust, giving you cold shivers sometimes.

The leaves start shedding from the arms of the trees and go bare for a period. And indeed, they look beautiful in that attire too. Because, there is nothing that the nature does or has is unalluring. The older leaves go off, making sites for the new ones to flourish. Making sites for new lives to live. It is the continuing cycle of the nature. And this very thing has been an inspiration to me. I owe so much to these creatures, that my life is insufficient to remunerate the mortgage.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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