The Beautiful Desire- Lost connections

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Beautiful Desire- Lost connections is based upon the idea of divided desire and the lost connections of love and happiness. It is state of being united, convey movement and also emphasize the stay strong and rigid motion.

He has showed the different horizon lines of emotions like love and happiness and with the help of very tiny particles kindness and soothing behavior of mankind.

Let me ripe through this enigmatic chaos

for I want to travel this voyage with you;

Let me be your mystique muse

for i shall not let you rest until it’s time;

Embrace all that you are my dear

and all that you can & definitely will be…

I won’t say it will be easy for us from now on,

but i promise i will be with you in each

and every step of our aesthetic journey;

I want to create pieces so mystically beautiful

that it will stir every soul that looks upon it

as I want us to play with the reality of this world;

You need not be the most perfect one out there

just be the best, that you are & can be

and let the world handle it on their own…

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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