Punjabi Farmer Painting- Village Art

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

There is something in this land. Neither is just about the rivers nor about the people who has strength to challenge almighty. It is about the journey of the natives which has been beautifully described in Punjabi Farmer Painting- Village Art.

Since the dawn of mankind, the barren land is the battlefield for desires. Not just the battles among the kings and kingdoms but among the nature and the individuals as well. Be it Sowing and reaping of crops or the sagas of Heer Ranjha and Mirza Saibha, the enthusiasm which it holds, breaths in every heart of the Punjabi. have been just like another love and affection this part of Indian subcontinent.

But how does it blossom? How does it bloom? Where does it all lead to?

These questions have defined our journey from the days of ‘sapt sindhu’ to ‘Modern Punjab’. Though the best part is that it has happened and still happening in the name of God. The blessings of almighty which has showered the fortunes over the land of five rivers has more or less defined the daily routine of the Individuals. Moreover, it even amplifies their willingness to mesmerize life. Yes, this is visible and especially at the level of Rural Punjab.

Punjabi Farmer Painting- Village Art

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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