The Joyful Spring

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

It is truly said that when a flower blossoms it has the power to even melt the most hardhearted people. Same as a child who wins every person’s heart with the purity and innocence that they possess. Childhood is the most beautiful and memorable phase of a person’s life. One is free of any kind of responsibility or worries, as it is the age of making mistakes and learning from them. Furthermore, it is the age of blooming just like the joyful spring season which is the child of all the other seasons.

There is a aroma of joy and happiness all around the fields. The tulips disperse a vibrant aura in the valleys, the sunflowers tilt their heads to have a sun bath, the roses attracts the romantics , the peony and the daffodils play with the soft blowing winds and the daisies are the ever wonderful spectators. Moreover, the joyful spring washes all the memories of the harsh winters and brings a new hope in everyone’s life and gives them reason to celebrate their present and prepare for the upcoming summers.

Therefore, nothing can beat the beauty of the spring and the innocence of childhood. A person learns the best lessons of their life in their childhood which remains with them throughout their life. Hence, the sweet memories of the spring keeps the heart warm throughout the year.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu


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