Dancing Among The Stars

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Desire is a strong emotion that a human possesses. It is an impulse that everyone wants to fulfill in their life. It varies from one person to another but with a little similarity of attaining it remains same. Desire acts like that admirable hope that gives you reason to keep moving forward in getting it. Just like the girl in this painting who loves dancing among the stars. She dances by bearing open her desires in her movements for the world to gaze upon them.

The world is an incredible yet a difficult place to survive. However, our society has made rules as to how each and everything is supposed to be done. But, for Helen such things automatically tune out once she indulges herself into her greatest desire of dancing. She dances as if nothing can stop her, as if she is the sole queen and the world is at her service. Moreover, when she starts her rhythmic movements the passerbys stop in their tracks and get mortified by her performance.

The wind forgets how to breathe, the birds forget how to fly and the stars forget how to shine. Only, the sounds of her steps echo through the valley, mesmerizing everything that comes their way. She is the answer to every muted unasked question, the positive bright light that everybody needs in their life.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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