Her Morning Elegance

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Her Morning Elegance’ is original figurative painting made from acrylic colors. Moreover, it reflects the various moods of a lady. The colors used are of neutral tones which gives a chique look to the space where it is displayed.

The emotions wrap us up sometimes. They are heavy on us some other times. And get into the whirls of our own thought. But we forget that only our thoughts have created this tornado so we can break this situation too. But, I know that even the strongest person can not be strong all the time. Once in a while, everyone meets their weak self. But we need not to stop ourselves, instead gives yourself sometime to be stronger again. Because you are just tired and not defeated by the life. One night can be harsh but you have to wake up next morning with elegance of face and on your soul.

Her Morning Elegance’ is a women figurative painting which is a best choice for the bedrooms as well as the lounge areas. This figurative painting features a story beneath it which an artist has portrayed beautifully. The calmness of this painting can be observed from its colors. If you like this genre of painting, then you find more like this on our website and lot more from other genres too. Moreover, our paintings are available with no shipping cost worldwide.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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