Deep Inside 18×26 inch sn 4078

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Deep Inside is the Beautiful Painting made from Acrylic Colors. This wonderful painting is preferred for decorating rooms and homes.

When I try to say all I feel deep inside, I want to tell the world how it feels breathing. Therefore I sing the song of happiness ’cause it’s all I can Paint, expressing my emotions.

The Painting is regarded as the epitome of beauty as we seen in American Paintings and French Paintings. Rather to express it deeply, the artist has used very fine colors to shed light on the various shades of life.

How can one smile such sweet smiles,

When one is so saddened by sorrows for miles,

How can I smile the same smiles,

When life brings me nothing but tears,

I wondered for so long What reason you had to smile that long,

To keep smiling though troubles come,

And still remain sweet and silently overcome,

It’s such a mystery to me,

Your smiles from heaven with glee,

I adore and yet envy thee,

But I’d rather you smile those at me,

I feel happy when I see you smile,

Even if I’m sad and lonely,

Your smiles bring me somewhere,

I don’t even know where

-Artist Gurdish pannu

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