The Tune of Love- fortune Painting is a painting of luck which is appreciable for the soothing colors all around the world.
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The Tune of Love- fortune Painting is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and This painting is worldwide available for the decorating rooms and homes all around. This artwork is a testamentary to the love and kindness all around the world.

The dimensions of the soothing artwork is 32 x 32 inches and this is regarded as one of the best artworks of all time.

Have I gone nuts? As I love the all, yet it is volatile
I must have, I really think so…as it is love and kindness
Who in their right mind misses the woe?
in the world feels empty without the pain?
Who tries to get hurt deliberately?

the hell searches for reasons to cry?
Who in their straight head feels burdensome if they hadn’t cried for a few days?
can’t digest too much of goodness?
Who the hell gets nervous and bloody nauseatic with happiness around them?

just waits for something bad to happen so that they might cling onto it and spread
Whose gloominess all around?
does such things like seriously? Believe me, trust me, as it all has been
Not a sane person for sure….for sure, 

The Tune of Love- fortune Painting

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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