The Colors of Grand Canyon- Landscape Painting

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The Colors of Grand Canyon- Landscape Painting

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Colors of Grand Canyon- Landscape Painting is beautiful artwork for sale at affordable price. It is a piece of art with textures. Which is made with the combination of acrylic colors and natural pigment colors. This painting has taken inspiration from the colors of the nature. Which have been painted by God himself and this painting has been just a reflection of it.

Nature shows us different colors throughout the year. Sometime, golden with the bright sunshine. Sometimes, she shows us the shades of blue with the drops with falling rain. And sometimes, greyish with the clouds spread all over us. I have tried to pull down the colors of the nature and spread them on my canvas. The colors which are present with the Grand Canyon. It is itself a wonder of nature. But when the colors fall on it, it becomes more precious. So, the preciousness of the Grand Canyon is quite a reason to draw it.

The Colors of Grand Canyon- Landscape Painting is one of our best selling collections. It is very popular among the consumers for its rich tints and hues, which are best for the bedrooms and offices. This beautiful painting can give an essence of nature to your place. The freshness and purity of the nature lies in this painting.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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