The Dance Of Joy

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Every person in this world has their own different ways of relaxing or enjoying. Moreover, everyone has a safe window of their own to through which they can escape from in order to avoid any difficult situation. Some prefer to listen to some soothing music. While, some like to read a book so as to relax themselves. And some feel at ease by dancing their worries off. Just like the girl in this painting who loves to dance the dance of joy.

Not every day is the same, someday one feels happy, other day sad, someday one feels excited and some other days not. Yet, everyday is a new day which brings a new hope all full of positive energy with it. It depends on you how well you take that opportunity. Just like the different forms of dance. Every form of dance is different from one another, yet they all are similar in the way of providing satisfaction and peace to one’s soul. Dance helps in expressing the hidden feelings of a person whether sad or happy, good or bad. It’s provides catharsis for all the built up emotions of a human’s soul.

The dance of joy represents that stage of life where a person is done with all the hardwork and struggles of life. And now it’s their time to dance to the beautiful and happy tunes of the life.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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