The Soothing Fishes- Sea Art

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Soothing Fishes- Sea Art is world famous Feng Shui artwork made by Artist Gurdish from acrylic colors. And it symbolizes the positive light that is all around universe.

Well we are all aware of the soothness of the fishes. That how with their mere presence they can bring happiness and good fortune to the place. They take their innocence where ever they go. Almighty has created these beautiful creatures with the innocence which is still away from the greed of the materialistic things. Those tiny creatures are happy with their possessions and surrounding. If in any case I can adapt their these qualities, then I think I can acquire happiness. The true happiness which comes from inside and not from the things outside.

The Soothing Fishes- Sea Art is a best choice for the bedrooms and lounge areas. The soothing colors of this painting are very good for the offices as the painting can attract positive energy. Moreover, this painting can bring prosperity and happiness to the place and people as well. Decorate your homes with our artworks and give a new look to your homes and places.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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