Innocence of childhood-Mera Punjab

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Innocence of childhood-Mera Punjab

Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Innocence of childhood-Mera Punjab elaborates that credulity of children is everywhere on the land of Punjab. Those jute bags made by mother used to be most expensive possession and that small piece of bag carried the uncountable happiness for them.

It has been made by artist Gurdish Pannu who relates the idea of this artwork with his own life. 

Of all the reasons, the almighty of ours, have made the children,
The way of life has been soothing and mesmerizing,
So is the charm and the well being which is a bliss,
The innocence of childhood, and the calm self,
is the trap that is always kept and always believed in,
Thus, wondering the lovers of nature,
and the blessing of ALMIGHTY
Dear God, oh the Pious land of five rivers
it has been the greatest of all,
where the shadows of sunlight are falling all around,
and seek the delighted river,
to watch and glow all along the sun,
and feel the divinity all around.
My childhood has been the aroma of the flowers,
And I was wandering all around the globe,
for the nicest of the emotions and wisest of the bay,
The blissful delight is the kindest of all….!!!

Innocence of childhood-Mera Punjab

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!