The Brisk Walk

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘The Brisk Walk’ is a landscape painting which is made from natural pigment colors mixed with acrylic colors. It reflects the silent beauty of the nature which we often encounter while having our morning walk everyday. The green fields and the delightful sky dance and swing all across the bay, while the eyes of the brisk walker follow them with sincerity.

Though, the essence of the colors change, the change that always happen with the seasons but it adds newness as well. The leaves, they just sparkle and die all along, but this illustrates the cycle of life.

It is beautiful. Seriously, it is so elegant. That feeling of walking along the beloved nature is so mesmerizing because it acts as a mentor. Which not only guides you, but also provides the positive environment to sustain. 

Yet, people still prefer to live in cities and in those skyscrapers. Or, maybe they are bound to living in the that society which was institutionalized for their betterment, but distanced the ideal originality which was supposed to be nurtured by nature itself, which is cherished in this painting named ‘The Brisk Walk’.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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