The lovable Lust- Art for life is an English Figurative Painting which is for sale worldwide. This painting is famous all around the world.
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The lovable Lust- Art for life is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and it is a true reflection of a combination of lust and love. The gratitude with which the artist has painting this soothing painting is far beyond the concept of right doings and wrong doings.

The dimensions of this lovely painting are 18 x 18 inches.

What a disgrace, it would have been, when the emotions of mine, outcast me…
But Love me, believe me and the nicest of all, touch me
And yet it would cause, the nicest of destiny to shine….

Nicest of all, to keep calm and feel the presence….

Wishing me like the sun, where shall I would always be….
Touch me, glance me and feel the desires of rays to ponder upon,
And the least of all, I would personally feel you and sing with you…

Thou, it would have been divine and lustful…

Believe me, I am generous, but with myself only

But wait, Let me think and breathe as I am love…
and this is state of mind, not only mine….
arising my sun, and I am down with you
and apart from sum, I am equally defined by you

The lovable Lust- Art for life

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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