The Mnemonic love is a beautiful artwork which is for sale worldwide. This painting is best for decorating homes.
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The Mnemonic love is a soothing painting created by artist Gurdish Pannu. The beauty if this painting is that it is made from a mixture of acrylic colors and natural colors.

The dimensions of this painting are 18 x 18 inches. It is a symbolic depiction of a female’s aura and the notion of of femininity as a whole.

I can’t even miss a moment
rather than the whole night, as it has been
and you ask me why i don’t sleep “sigh”
I don’t wanna lose a second of it

when i have the chance to
commit it all to my memory…
So I can’t sleep, Yet I am here
Yeah I won’t sleep in your arms
Nah Nope Never Nada….

There goes another day,
Of you not choosing me,
You not wanting me, believe me
Of you not desiring me…love me

There goes another day,
Of you breaking me,
you shattering me,
Of you ruining me…

There goes another day,
Of you proving me wrong,
You proving us wrong,
Of you proving this wrong…

There goes another day, 
Of you showing me the truth,
showing them the truth,
Of you showing yourself the truth…

The Mnemonic love is a soothing painting

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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