Glancing At Desires- Inspirational Art is Original Handmade artwork which is actual representation of desires in soothing colors and it is sale worldwide at minimal price.
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Glancing At Desires- Inspirational Art is a lovely painting which is made from natural acrylic colors. This artwork is famous for its beautiful reflection of emotions which are symbolized in pleasant colors.

This painting is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and the dimensions of the painting are 18 x 18 inches.

I really don’t know
What the hell i saw in you or
What sort of voodoo thing you did on me
But honestly i am bewitched for eternity

Is it something unnatural
Or is it something so pious
That it’s beyond our knowings
Why do i feel so complete with you

I forgot how to breathe without you
It actually becomes suffocating
When you are not around me
Now how am i gonna survive this all alone

There’s nothing as such ‘me’ left now
All that i am or i have is YOU only
I am head over heels in love with you
And i literally can’t live without you now

So please come for me soon
I don’t know what destiny has in store for us
But i want us to conquer it all by any means
And be together at the end of it all….

Glancing At Desires- Inspirational Art

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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